Town Council Meeting
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Town Council Meeting
6280 W. 800 North
McCordsville, In 46055

Agenda for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 07:00 PM

  1. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Approval of Minutes -
    * Aug. 10, 2021 meeting minutes
    * Aug. 17, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes

    Documents: Aug. 10, 2021 meeting minutes | Aug. 17, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes
  3. August Financial Report & Paid Invoice Report
    Documents: August Financial Report | Paid Invoice Report
  4. August Metro Board Report - Chief Casey
    Documents: August Metro Board Report
  5. Public Comments for non-agenda items
  6. 2nd Reading of Forgivable Loan Ordinance and Addendum #1 for Al. Neyer
    Documents: Forgivable Loan Ordinance | Addendum #1
  7. Old Business - McCord Square EDA (Barry authorized to sign)

  8. New Business- ARPA planning

    Documents: ARPA Planning
    * Public Hearing on 2022 Budget
    Documents: Budget Public Notice
  10. Salary Ordinance amendments - Staci Starcher
    Documents: Salary Ordinance amendments
  11. Rainy Day Transfer Resolution - Staci Starcher
    Documents: Transfer Resolution
  12. Trittipo Burn Request
    Documents: Trittipo Burn Request
  13. READi Grant Update and Financial Commitment Letter
    Documents: READi Financial Commitment letter
  14. Woodhaven 7B plat
    Documents: Woodhaven 7B plat
  15. McCord Pointe Section 6 plat
    Documents: McCord Pointe Section 6 plat
  16. Gregg Morelock Legal Services Agreement
    Documents: Gregg Morelock Legal Services Agreement
  17. Other Committee Reports
    * Redevelopment Commission -
    * Plan Commission
    * Architectural Review
    * Parks Board -
    - Genesis Electric Quote (Old School Park)
    - Tennis Court Resurfacing invoice
    * Public Works Committee -
    - Interim intersection improvements discussion - Mark Witsman, Ryan Crum
    - Intersection improvements at CR 600N and Mt. Comfort Road - Mark Witsman, Ryan Crum
    - Air piping repairs existing tanks A2 & A3 - Mark Witsman
    - New office furniture for WWTP - Mark Witsman
    - Fluid Waste Invoice - Mark Witsman
    - Worthless property disposition ordinance (generator) - Mark Witsman
    - Extension of completion date and inspection contract - Mark Witsman
    - WWTP Contingency Status
    * Vernon Township Fire Committee

    Documents: Office furniture quote - Public Works | Fluid Waste Invoices - Public Works | Worthless Property Resolution - Public Works | Whitaker Contract Amendment - Public Works | WWTP Contingency Status - Public Works | Air Piping repairs of existing tanks A2 & A3 - Public Works | Genesis Electric Quote - Parks Board | Tennis Court Resurfacing Invoice - Parks Board
  18. Town Manager's Report - Revised Pandemic Leave Policy

    Documents: Revised Pandemic Leave Policy
  19. Public Works Commissioner's Report
  20. Planning & Building Director's Report: -
  21. Public Comments*
  22. For accommodation needs for persons with disabilities, please call 317-335-3151
* Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per person unless additional time is authorized by the Chair.