Public Works Committee
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Town of McCordsville Logo

Public Works Committee
6280 W. 800 North
McCordsville, In 46055

Agenda for Tuesday, August 03, 2021 at 04:30 PM

  1. Approval of Minutes - July 6, 2021 minutes
    Documents: Approval of Minutes - July 6, 2021 minutes
  2. Town Hall generator update - Ron Crider
  3. Access Management Plan update - Mark Witsman
  4. Vicky Vendel sewer request
    Documents: Vicky Vendel sewer request
  5. A&F Traffic Study
  6. WWTP Change Order
    Documents: WWTP Contingency
  7. Pay Applications and Invoices:
    * Walsh Construction
    * Fluid Waste
    * Walker IT

    Documents: Walsh Construction | Fluid Waste | Walker IT
  8. Engineer's Report
    Documents: Engineer's Report
  9. Old Business -
  10. New Business -

  11. Public Comments
  12. Next Meeting - Sept. 7, 2021
  13. Adjourn

For accommodation needs for persons with disabilities, please call 317-335-3151

* Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per person unless additional time is authorized by the Chair.