Public Works Committee Meeting - To be held virtually via Zoom
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Public Works Committee Meeting - To be held virtually via Zoom
6280 W. 800 North
McCordsville, In 46055

Agenda for Tuesday, July 07, 2020 at 04:30 PM

  1. McCordsville Staff is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Public Works Committee Meeting
    Time: Jul 7, 2020 04:30 PM Indiana (East)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 851 3941 0743
    Password: 390030
    One tap mobile
    +13017158592,,85139410743#,,,,0#,,390030# US (Germantown)
    +13126266799,,85139410743#,,,,0#,,390030# US (Chicago)

    Dial by your location
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
    Meeting ID: 851 3941 0743
    Password: 390030
    Find your local number:

    Documents: Zoom Meeting details
  2. Approval of Minutes - June 2, 2020
    Documents: June 2, 2020 minutes
  3. Wind River over-mill cost share
    Documents: Wind River over-mill cost share
  4. Trail maintenance quotes
    Documents: Walking path quotes
  5. 2020 ADA Ramp Quotes
    Documents: 2020 ADA Ramp Quotes
  6. Tractor Mower Quotes
    Documents: Tractor Mower Quotes
  7. Update on Community Crossings Grant Program
  8. Speed limit reductions for CR 500N
    Documents: Speed limit reductions for CR 500N | 500N map
  9. CR 500N project scope discussion
  10. Town Hall Gate quote
    Documents: Town Hall Gate quote
  11. Pay Applications and Invoices:
    * Baumgartner Invoice #1
    * Baumgartner Invoice #2
    * Baumgartner Invoice #3
    * Reece Seal Coat invoice
    * Pavement Solutions
    * Hendrick Invoice
    * Fluid Waste Invoices

    Documents: Hendrick Invoice | Baumgartner Invoice #1 | Reece Seal Coat Invoice | Pavement Solutions | Fluid Waste Invoices | Baumgartner Invoice #2 | Baumgartner Invoice #3
  12. Engineer's Report
    Documents: Engineer's Report
  13. Old Business -
  14. New Business -

  15. Public Comments
  16. Next Meeting -Aug. 4, 2020
  17. Adjourn

For accommodation needs for persons with disabilities, please call 317-335-3151

* Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per person unless additional time is authorized by the Chair.