McCordsville Plan Commission Agenda
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McCordsville Plan Commission Agenda
6280 W. 800 North
McCordsville, In 46055

Agenda for Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 07:00 PM

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Agenda Consideration
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Documents: June PC Minutes
  4. Public Notice Confirmation
  5. Old Business
    1. PC-23-011, the Town of McCordsville's request to amend the Town's Zoning Ordinance - This item will be continued until the October 17th Plan Commission meeting.
  6. New Business
    1. PC-23-012, MI Home's request for a favorable recommendation on a rezone to the Rockport PUD, and a primary plat for 129 lots, on +/- 80 acres located at 6260 W CR 900N.
      Documents: Petitioner's Packet | Staff Report | Public Comment Letter
    2. PC-23-013, MI Home's request for a favorable recommendation on a rezone to the Helm's Mill PUD, and a primary plat for 234 lots, on +/- 118 acres located at the southwest corner of CR 1000N and CR 400W.
      Documents: Petitioner's Packet | Staff Report | Public Comment Letter
    3. PC-23-14, Daniel's Vineyard's request for a favorable recommendation on a rezone to Daniel's Vineyard PUD for +/- 80 acres located at 9061 N CR 700W. - This Item will be continued until the October 17th Plan Commission meeting.
      Documents: Proposed PUD Ordinance | Petitioner Exhibits | Staff Report
    4. PC-23-015, BDC Realty Group's request for a favorable recommendation on an Amendment to the Villages at Brookside PUD. The subject site is +/- 5.5 acres located along the westside of CR 600W, approximately 425 feet south of CR 900N.
      Documents: Petitioner's Packet | Staff Report
  7. New Business from the floor
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment
* Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per person unless additional time is authorized by the Chair.